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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Kurnburg Ruins

Exploring castle ruins is one of our family's go to activities when we have some time on our hands. Austin especially loves castle ruins because he can climb all over them. Unfortunately, he was in school the day we visited the Kurnburg ruins which are just a little over an hour from our house.

According to the little bit of documentation I can find, the castle was built in 1354 by Dietrich II of Kurn. The castle changed owners multiple times through the years and was destroyed by Swedish troops in 1634 during the Thirty Years War. The ruins were restored in 1970.

Even though the walk from the car to the castle was extremely short compared to the majority of castles we've been to, there were some cute learning stations for kids along the way like this giant wooden xylophone.

This is a great castle to explore, and there's a nice picnic table right outside the castle walls where we enjoyed our lunch. Driving a very short distance to spend time at castle ruins in the Bavarian forest is something we will sorely miss when our time here is over.

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