Sunday, October 16, 2016

The White Cliffs of Dover

I am finally getting around to writing about our family trip to the UK this summer. It was a dream trip for all of us, and I can't believe it's already been three months since we were there. Life has been extremely busy since then!

The kids and I left for London five days before Don. He was busy working and cared very little about spending a week in London. Big cities are not his all. After travelling with our car in the Eurotunnel from France to England, we arrived on the southeast shore of England just south of Dover at the port of Folkestone.

Dover is best known for its beautiful white cliffs which overlook the English Channel and stand just over 300 feet tall. The cliffs also have an important WWII connection. Winston Churchill ordered the construction of a series of tunnels deep within the cliffs to house teams of gun battery troops whose objective was interrupting Nazi ship movements in the English Channel.

We made our way from the port at Folkestone to the cliffs very slowly, as driving on the left hand side of the road takes some getting used to! We did not get to tour the tunnels, but we did explore the cliff trails for some majestic scenery before heading on to London.

There were beautiful wildflowers all along the cliffs, and everything was just as vibrantly green as you imagine the UK might be.

It was crazy to look out across the water and think that we had just been across the way in France a couple hours earlier and even crazier to think that we got here by travelling underneath the English channel in a tunnel! Wild!!!

This is a spectactular shipwreck site that Austin was dying to see up close and personal. Unfortunately, in order to preserve it, this is as close as you can get.

The White Cliffs of Dover are absolutely beautiful, and I'm so glad we got to visit this beautiful spot. It was a great introduction to our UK vacay and just a drop in the bucket of all the lush green scenery to come!

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