Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Doune Castle & the Scottish Highlands

Since we were doing our own driving tour of the UK, I tried to plan stops along our route each travel day to get us out of the car for a little while. What better stop is there than a castle or castle ruin? It was hard to pick which ones to stop at because there are just so many. The first one we chose in Scotland after leaving Edinburgh was Doune Castle which has been featured in movies and TV shows like Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Outlander, and Game of Thrones.

This was a really fun castle to explore on the inside, and it was interesting seeing which areas of the castle had been used in television and film.

After leaving Doune Castle, we headed further north until we got our first glimpse of the Scottish Highlands. Just wow! This was what I had been anxiously waiting to see. Forget castles, cathedrals, and museums. Just give me a porch with a rocking chair overlooking this view, and I'd be so happy! We have some Scottish heritage in my family, and I sure found myself wishing that some long lost relative had left me a little piece of this paradise!

All of these pictures were taken at a random place where we pulled over on the side of the road, but they were a good indicator of what was still to come as we made our way further into Scotland!! It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful countries I've had the privilege to see.

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