Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fairy Pools in the Isle of Skye

When we were planning our UK adventure, Laurel told me we had to go to the Isle of Skye in Scotland and visit the Fairy Pools. I had never even heard of this place, but I'm so glad she insisted on it because it was one of my favorite days in Scotland.

Located in the northwest corner of Scotland, the Isle of Skye is the second largest island in Scotland. The entire island is breathtakingly beautiful, but the Fairy Pools are definitely the highlight. This series of waterfalls and natural pools surrounded by rocky mountains looks like a scene straight out of a mystical Scottish saga. We visited on a rainy, overcast day and didn't get the full effect of the turquoise colored waters, but it was still a sight to behold. From the parking lot, it is a 1.5 mile hike to the first waterfall, but from there you can go on and on and on, which we did!

In addition to a near constant light rainfall, we also had the pleasure of battling "midges" for the duration of our hike. At the time we didn't know they were called midges, so we just called them gnats. According to my research, these tiny Scottish bugs are so small that a single one is nearly invisible to the naked eye. A swarm is said to be able to inflict around 3,000 bites in one hour! Thankfully it was a cool day, so most of us were completely covered other than our hands and faces, but boy were they ever a nuisance swarming around our faces. They were such a problem that when we checked into our hotel that night, there were specific instructions posted outside telling us how to use their double door entry system to keep the midges out. It was insane!

Despite the rain and the midges, we loved our time at the Fairy Pools. Here's why:


This was just an amazing afternoon in a place I didn't even know I needed to visit! ;) The sheer beauty of the world God created blows me away.

One more thing before I end this post...we also had a charming drive to and from the Fairy Pools. If you've ever wondered what it's like to drive around in the Scottish (or Irish) countryside, these pictures taken from our car pretty much sum it up.

We loved having to stop to let these guys and their friends get out of the road. I mean, how cute are they??

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